A Gerald Shepherd Work In A Manfred Wing Style: Improvisation At June’s One (1995)

The free improvisational painting style I started in 1975 when I was Manfred Wing is probably the most fun to do.  I have returned to it occasionally over the years, either as myself or as him.  Mine are usually more complex and intricate and I steer clear of the hippie themes Manfred Wing has a penchant for!

This was painted in the flat of the lady who was later to become my wife – apparently I got paint on the carpet and furnishings (not to mention the dog and telephone!)!  It is probably best to start off how you will probably go on!!

Improvisation At June's One

Improvisation At June’s One

Set Of Six Extremely Early Drawings

Five Drawings

These five drawings are relatively large and  complex coloured pencil works in a book of otherwise simple oil pastels.

Anti-Art Paintings 1977-1978

After becoming disillusioned with oil painting in 1976 most of my visual art output was in the form of sketchbook drawings.  However I did do a series of deliberately rough mixed media (pastel, gouache, watercolour and acrylic) paintings , derived originally from some of the aforementioned drawings.  They are essentially a merging of the anti-art style of Simon King with the painterly interests of Manfred Wing.


Fashion Model In Thought

Fashion Model In Thought

Fashion Model In Upside Down Landscape

Fashion Model In Upside Down Landscape

Fashion Model In A Parasol

Fashion Model In A Parasol

Fashion Model Before A Window

Fashion Model Before A Window

Fashion Model In Shadow

Fashion Model In Shadow

Fashion Model In A Sun Hat

Fashion Model In A Sun Hat